Her Excellency Ms. Pornprapai Ganjanarintr hosts National Thai epic Ramakien at her Residence

The Ambassador of Thailand, Ms. Pornprapai Ganjanarintr, invited a group of distinguished guests to enjoy a performance of Ramakien on Tuesday 16th of may 2017 by the Moradokmai Theatre Community of Thailand. The play took place at the luscious garden of the beautiful Thai residence in Wassenaar, in a warm and welcoming spring atmosphere.

Thailand’s national epic Ramakien was charmingly performed by the Moradokmai theatre troupe, an alternative, tuition-free residential school in rural Thailand, where youth study traditional dance, music, and theatre with volunteer teachers. The play was directed by “Kruchang” Janaprakal Chandruang, the well-known Thai dramatist and actor who founded the Moradokmai Theatre Community and Homeschool.

Ramakien is a metaphor of good and evil. The hero king and representative of virtue Rama, plays opposite the villain or demon king Tosakan. Rama spends 14 years in exile after being banished by his stepmother. There he lives with his consort Sita and his brother Lakshman. When Sita is abducted by the Demon King Ravana (Tosakanth) and taken to Lanka, Rama and his brother rescue her with the help of monkey warriors.

After the performance an array of exquisitely prepared Thai cuisine dishes were served, which the ambassadress herself had selected especially for the occasion.

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