Diplomats focus on Sports and Business: 300 (inter)national companies involved in CHIO Rotterdam

On 24 June 2018 the oldest sports event in Rotterdam celebrated its 70th edition with, amongst others, 300 (inter)national companies.
In collaboration with Diplomat Club Wassenaar, twenty-one Ambassadors, all Honorary members of the club, attended the grand finale of the CHIO FEI Jumping Cup 2018 with many international competitors and as guest of honour Princess Beatrix.
Belgium won the Cup in the final part of the event which welcomed 50.000 visitors during the 4 days which saw various displays of horsemanship.
As hosts of the event, CHIO Chief Executive Officer Mr. Jan de Mooij, the President of Port Club Rotterdam Mr. Peter Goedvolk, Managing Director of AON Mr. Tinus Krikke, together with the founder of Diplomat Club Wassenaar Mrs. Shida Bliek, warmly welcomed all the guests including the following Ambassadors and their spouses:
H.E. Dr. Heidemaria Gürer (Austria); H.E. Mr. Mikalai Barysevich, Mrs. Tatsiana Barysevich and son (Belarus); H.E. Mr. Chris Hoornaert (Belgium); H.E. Ms. Andrea Gustović (Croatia); H.E. Mr. Konstatine Surguladze and Mrs. Nino Ruzadze (Georgia); H.E. Ms. Sophia Horner-Sam (Ghana); H.E. Mr. Venu Rajamony (India); H.E. Mr. I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja and Mrs. Rusdijana Puja (Indonesia) and son; H.E. Mr. Kevin Kelly (Ireland) H.E. Mr. Hiroshi Inomata and Mrs. Midori Inomata (Japan); H.E. Ahmad Al Mufleh and Mrs. Reem Al Mufleh (Jordan); H.E. Mr. Magzhan Ilyassov and Mrs. Akmaral Aidarbekova (Kazakhstan); H.E. Mr. Vidmantas Purlys and Mrs. Dita Purlienė (Lithuania); Mrs. Linda Zin and daughter (Malaysia); H.E. Mr. Abdel Bellouki and Mrs. Najat Bellouki (Morocco); H.E. Mr. Shujjat Ali Rathore and Mrs. Uzma Shujjat (Pakistan); H.E. Jaime Victor B. Ledda and Mrs. Gina Ledda and son (Philippines); H.E. Mr. Yun Young Lee (South Korea); H.E. Mr. Fernando Arias and Mrs. Patricia van Oordt de Arias (Spain); H.E. Mrs. Irene Kasyanju and daughter Pamela (Tanzania) and last but not least H.E. Mr. Pete Hoekstra and daughter (USA).

CHIO Chief Executive Officer Mr. Jan de Mooij addressed the Diplomats with pride, explaining the significance of the event seen the equestrian industry’s annual yearly turnover of € 2 billion in the Netherlands, which counts 10.000 horse companies, 450.000 horses and 1.2 million followers. Basically, the equestrian industry in the Netherlands is larger than football!
Horses are one of the biggest exports from the Netherlands, with 14.000 horses exported yearly to China alone, and have long been considered of the highest quality, especially in jumping and dressage.
Our guests were also welcomed by the Mayor of Rotterdam, Mr. Ahmed Aboutaleb and this event was particularly important for us as it was the first event we organised for our members involving sports. Art events have untill now mostly taken the foreground, with TEFAF being the last event-outing with our club members. Furthermore, it was particularly special as it was the first time the Ambassadors: H.E. Mr. Venu Rajamony (India), H.E. Mr. Kevin Kelly (Ireland) and H.E. Mr. Pete Hoekstra (USA) attended a Diplomat Club event.

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