Celebrating the bicentenary of the Independence of the Federative Republic of Brazil

This significant event was celebrated in style and warmth with the diplomatic community and members of the Brazilian and Dutch communities at Diplomat Club Wassenaar/ Kasteel De Wittenburg on the 7th of September 2022.

Ambassador, H.E. Mr Paulo Roberto Caminha de Castilhos França and his charming spouse Mrs Ivana Mainenti França, plus the Consul General of Brazil, H.E. Mr Cezar Augusto de Souza Lima Amaral, and his spouse, Mrs Maria Lidia Viana Coelho Amaral, greeted more than 350 guests which then spread around the terraced area of the castle gardens on this unexpectedly warm September evening.

Before Ambassador Caminha de Castilhos França took the floor, the guests were treated to a superb rendition of the Dutch and Brazilian national anthems, accompanied on the piano by Ms Elizabeth Fadel.
In his speech, His Excellency enthused on the beauty and vibrancy of the Netherlands adding: “It is particularly gratifying to be Ambassador for Brazil in a country with which bilateral relations have such a long and rich history”. Adding as he addressed and thanked the Brazilian community “Brazil-Dutch relations are rooted in common principles and aspirations, but it is from people-to-people contacts that they gather strength”

Ambassador Caminha de Castilhos França briefly addressed the guests in Portuguese and standing there,  listening to his words while breathing in the hearty smells of the Churrasco – the delicious meat being grilled Brazilian style- we were, for a moment, transported to Brazil.

His Excellency paid a heartfelt tribute to Professor Antonio Augusto Cançado Trindade, his former mentor, twice elected as judge to the ICJ who passed away earlier this year. His Excellency then launched the candidacy to ICJ of Professor Leonardo Caldeira Brant, present at the event, before thanking the wide variety of Brazilian sponsors who had contributed to the evening. 

All of these Brazilian companies are leaders in their fields:  Braskem, in the chemical and petrochemical industry; Embraer, in the aerospace business; CBMM, in mining and development of niobium technology; Cutrale, in the fruit juice sector; and Seara and JBS, in the meat and poultry sectors. 

The audience was fascinated by the capoeira performance from the Senzala school in Amsterdam. Capoeira is a Brazilian art form combining elements of martial arts, dance, acrobatics, music and spirituality which arose early 16th century among the melting pot of enslaved Africans, Indigenous Brazilians and Portuguese influences.

The guests enjoyed a lavish buffet, expertly prepared by Chef Jim Boctor and the Churrasco was sponsored by the well-known Brazilian Grill restaurant Rodízio. The caipirinhas flowed as Ms Fadel performed a repertoire of Brazilian classics, including well-known chorinhos, whereas on guitar and voice, Andrew Laureth’s music focused more on Brazilian Popular Music. 

Viva Brazil!

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