Ambassador Kevin Kelly hosts St Patrick’s Day Reception

The luck of the Irish brought us with a beautiful early spring’s Friday afternoon to be welcomed to the residence of the Irish Ambassador to the Netherlands, to join the festivities and celebrations of St Patricks Day on the 17th of March 2017.
Upon entering, Ambassador Mr Kevin Kelly, his spouse Ms. Pamela Uwakwe and young son greeted all their guests followed by giving them a complimentary silver clover leaf badge. Bringing us straight into the spirit there were an array of traditional Irish appetisers alongside a classic glass of Guinness to wash it down. If it wasn’t for the food and beverages evoking our new found Irish roots, we were sure jumping with joy after dancing along to the live band, playing every Irish classical sound you could imagine!
As the entire room filled up with distinguished guests and filtered out onto the beautiful courtyard of the residence, the Ambassador took a moment to silence us all and begin his speech.
Enlightening us with humour as Mr Kelly commented on the fortunate height of the Dutch which allowed them all to see him from afar, he continued to thanks us all for attending and adding to the special day upon remembering Saint Patrick and celebrating in the heritage and culture of the Irish. His speech was filled with enhancing upon the relationship between the Netherlands and Ireland. As the bilateral countries hold strong political relations. The Dutch have invested into Ireland particularly within infrastructure, hydraulic engineering, foodstuffs, chemicals and energy. As well as focus on Economy and Politics the cultural relations are highly present n the fields of classical music, visual arts, literature, architecture, design and ballet.
After the Ambassadors delightful speech, he insisted that we continue to join in the laughter, food, music and celebrations. Sure thing, that is what we all did!
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