Cure for Cancer

A special gathering took place in the private quarters of the Royal family at the stunning Palace Soestdijk. High ranked Dutch politician, Ambassadors and Dutch businessmen had one common aim: to support the fight against humanity’s enemy number one: cancer.
An initiative of State of Secretary for Security and Justice Fred Teeven to support a fundraising for ‘Cure for Cancer’ was joined by TenRande Foundation. He wanted to give a signal that also politicians care and arranged this special event. TenRande Foundation supports a special division of research for kidney and prostate cancer. Two medical researchers are especially designated to get an accurate overview of these two forms of cancer guided by Prof. Jean de La Rosette, Dick Cohen, Board Member of the ‘Cure for Cancer’ Foundation and sponsor Age Vermeer, Director of Dura Vermeer. A special tour was organized through the rich history of the palace and its former inhabitants, the State Apartments, which are still largely in original condition, and some private rooms of the late Queen Juliana and her husband, although already stripped of virtually all-private property.
Since 1674 many residents have added to, and refurbished the Palace. It started out as a hunting lodge, but in time it was also used as an Inn for French troops, during the French invasion, and a country house. Well known inhabitants have been Governor William III who later became King William I of England, King Louis Bonaparte, Princes Anna Pavlovna, who with great taste and style turned the hunting lodge into a small copy of Pavlovsk Palace, Sint Petersburg, Queen Emma and Wilhelmina. After the death of Princes Juliana in 2004, the palace was left empty for a year until it was opened to the public in 2006, handling the decision of future use.
Many thanks to: the Ministery of Security and Justice, Ms Jette Neeteson, Ms Marian Hahn. Soestdijk Palace, Mr. Alex Vermeulen, Mr. Jan Altenburg, Ms. Paula van Dijk. His Excellency’s: Mr. Rajesh Prasad, Mr. Fernando Arias and Mrs. Patricia van Oordt de Arias. Mr. Joe Aidoo, Mr. Haim Divon and Mrs. Linda Divon for there support at ‘Cure for Cancer Gala Noordwijk. Mr. Peter Goedvolk, President Director of AEG Invest and Mr. Peter Bliek, Chairman of TenRande Foundation.
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